
I'm a Smorgasbord

So after hitting the snooze on my alarm, followed by my critter children trying to get me up, I finally dragged myself out of bed only to realize that I not only had very little time to get ready for work, but I also had no idea what I was going to eat for breakfast, let alone what I was going to take to work for lunch (sigh). It's not like there wasn't anything in my refrigerator, freezer or pantry. Granted, none are overflowing, but I do have food. I just couldn't decide what I wanted.

As I stood at my refrigerator, my older critter child gladly tried to help me decide what to pick...

...but she wasn't much help. I finally decided I had enough small portions of perishable food that I should just throw it all together and deal with the outcome. Besides, I was running out of time. I wound up with some Greek yogurt, a bag of chips, some imitation crab, an apple, and a few grapes. I did decide not to mix anything, for which I feel aptly intelligent. (And my taste buds won't have reason to kill me.) In the end, it was an odd lunch, but it wasn't bad, and it filled my nutritional needs. 

Sometimes I wonder if anyone looks at me and sees an odd smorgasbord. (Actually, I look at me in the mirror and see an odd smorgasbord.) I'm really not sure why I've got some of the interests or talents that I do, and some of them seem kind of unrelated, not to mention strange. But I figure God knew what He was doing when He created me, so no matter how odd I am, He must like it that way for some reason. (I guess that makes me a walking smorgasbord.) After all, He's a God who loves variety.

So have a good weekend, and don't forget to enjoy the variety of life. Just don't mix your Greek yogurt and imitation crab.

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