
Litter Boxes, Paper Cuts and Chicken Salad

I set my alarm for an earlier-than-normal time this morning. Fifteen minutes early was all. Just enough extra time to prep my lunch and not make me late for work. Good thing I did get up early.

I rolled my aching body out of bed, forcing my mind from a terrible fog. Oh yes. Lunch. That's why I was rising early. I needed to prep my chicken salad so I'd actually have something IN my wholewheat, low-carb tortilla. As I entered the bathroom though, I discovered my cat had "missed" her litter box. It was at least a ten-minute cleanup process, and I still hadn't even gotten out of my pajamas yet. Fantastic.

As a result, I ended up running late. Thankfully I did manage to prepare my lunch before walking out the door though. After getting to work, my day became a series of paper cuts, forgotten tasks, internet trouble, bruises, finicky equipment and news that one of my manuscripts did not place in a particular contest. Whoever said Mondays were bad had not yet been introduced to Tuesdays.

Thankfully I have an office buddy who surprised me with breakfast, I was able to take a break for my martial arts class, and my chicken salad wrap? Yeah, that turned out to be pretty tasty.

I guess the only moral of my story is if you decide to rise fifteen minutes early in the morning...you might want to make that twenty-five minutes, just in case. Especially if you have an ornery cat like mine.

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