
A New Approach

It's the beginning of a new year. Well...it's not January 1st, but a new year can start on any day, as it leads into the next 365 days.

This day marks the beginning of a new year for me - a blogging year. After a lot of thought, research, reading and consideration, I have decided to revamp not just the way my blog looks, but how I post. I want to veer from all posts about all writing. Yes, I'm a writer, but I'm also a lot of other things, too. I'm a Christian, I'm a martial artist (or a "mardle arsist" depending on whether or not you get tongue-tied...inside joke, sorry), I'm a hobbyist/artist, I love to eat, I love rainstorms, I love watching clouds, I have 2 cats that are the loves of my life...the list goes on. So I've decided to quit boring you with posts that only talk about writing. I'm sure I'll throw one in here every once in a while, but I'd much rather just have some fun and let you get to know me a little better.

Bear with me as I continue to tweak my blog's layout and slide into a new groove - I'm still not 100% satisfied, but it's getting there.  The first big change was my blog's actual address, changed from writerburkum.blogspot.com to rachelburkum.blogspot.com. Using my name will be more effective and will be easier to remember for anyone who wants to follow my posts. I've got some new ideas lined up and am excited to share and also gain precious writing hours to hone my skills as I continue to work on my books.

Happy New Year!

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