
Enjoying the Sweat

I recently heard a phrase that went something like this: “Nobody enjoys exercising anyway.” I don’t remember the exact conversation, but it was emphasized that there really was no enjoyment in exercising. In the results, perhaps, but certainly not the activity.

I’m not sure, but I have a feeling that maybe I found another area in which I’m an oddball. I have to admit…I like exercising. I like sweating. I like feeling my muscles burn as they strain to keep up with my determination. Of course, I enjoy the results of exercise the most, but I do actually enjoy the activities that make me sweat and get my blood pumping.

There’s a strange sort of satisfaction in trying my hardest at a physical activity. Granted, half the time I bite off more than I can chew when it comes to straining my joints or my back, but I still do what I can.

The other day, I was lying face-down on the mat during my kickboxing class. I’d just completed one of several exercises (which means six rounds of as many reps as I could do) and there was a part of me that wasn’t so sure I’d be able to complete the rest of class, let alone walk away when it was over. Or even survive at all. But as I pushed myself up and saw a puddle of sweat where my forehead had been, there was a bigger part of me that found satisfaction.

I finished class with higher numbers than expected (and I did manage to not only walk of the mat, but drive to work without collapsing behind the wheel). I was exhausted, but…it felt good. It wasn’t just the aftereffects though. It was the fact that I’d survived. I’d pushed my limits, sweat til my shirt was soaked, and at one point thought my muscles would probably burst at the seams. But the fact that I’d accomplished what I’d set out to do – that’s what made it enjoyable.

Exercising is tough. No doubt. And hard stuff usually isn’t fun. I won’t lie – there are mornings I don’t want to even roll out of bed, let alone go to a kickboxing class. But nine times out of ten, I’m glad I went because I really do enjoy it.

So for those of you who hate the act of exercising and only do it for the results – I’m sorry. I wish you could enjoy it like I do. Call me weird. I like to sweat. (And shower. Don’t worry – I don’t forget that little task either.)

Sometimes the hard stuff can be enjoyed more than we think. Like life. I haven’t quite figured that one out yet, but if I do, I’ll be sure to share that here, too.

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