
This and That

I am extremely glad that it is Friday evening. It has been quite a long week - busy and tiring. But with the start of the weekend, it means a little bit of catch-up rest is in order...that and learning how to use the riding lawnmower.

My FaithWriters recent Challenge entry, I Want, didn't place, but I received a lot of nice comments. Sometimes it's a short story that comes to mind, and other times I'm inspired with a poem. I recently asked others if perhaps my poetry was just an easy way out because at times it has felt as though I've whipped out a poem simply because I couldn't get a short story written in time. The overall response I received was thought-provoking. I now see that no matter how God chooses to inspire me, it isn't an "out" or me being lazy. I must realize that while my "norm" might be short stories or devotionals, who am I to direct the inspiration that God provides? So one new goal of mine is to embrace the inspiration that comes to me and not fight it, whether it's a short story, devotional or a poem.

The latest news I have of PublishAmerica doesn't come as much of a surprise. From what I can tell, there are more and more authors starting to question PublishAmerica's methods (or madness as it were). I have seen many complaints lately, mostly pertaining to book prices. While PublishAmerica stands firmly on their way of business, when delving deeper, it just doesn't make a whole lot of sense to the authors.

As a side note, I may be entering the world of Taekwondo. I've always wanted to learn some form of Marshal Art and a friend has convinced me to try it out. My introductory lesson is over a week away and I'm already nervous, but I'm pretty sure that I'll sign up for regular lessons. The stress-relief and exercise alone will make it worthwhile, and who knows... I might gain some new fodder for a future book.

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