
My Perspective on Perspective

One of my more overused phrases is something like, “It’s all in perspective.” I say it pretty often, in a variety of conversations about a variety of topics. Because…well, it applies to a lot of things. Actually, most everything.

Perspective really plays a large part in truth itself. I’m not talking about the ultimate truths like right and wrong, God and man. I’m talking about the everyday stuff. The stuff that can seem like the end of the world to one person, yet hardly worth a second thought to another.

Take physical ailments, for example. While one person might complain about aches and pains in their joints, another person may be without limbs altogether and would trade their situation for any pain just to be mobile again. Or take something more simple. It’s not a horrible mess of overcooked glop in your kitchen pan. It’s a science experiment – that proves how not to cook that dish again. Even little disasters don’t have to be the end of the world. That stain on the rug by the front door? Now there’s call for a new rug! Loss of computer files? A lesson learned to back up what’s important.

I’m not saying that things in life aren’t devastating. Accidents. Loss of friends. Death. There are situations that can tear us up inside. But…even in the midst of those situations, good can be found if we really want to find it.

Here’s a few of my own perspective swaps:
My furnace broke. But I got to have a lovely visit (truly) with my landlord that I wouldn’t have had otherwise. My car died about a year ago. I couldn’t afford a new one, but God worked it out, and it was even the kind I actually wanted. I hurt my back. And…I learned the importance of slowing down. I spilled coffee creamer all over my kitchen floor. Now the floor is very clean. My new shirt shrunk in the wash. But I’ve got short arms anyway, so it still fits.

In all reality, perspective is very simply the decision whether to be optimistic and look for the good in a situation, or pessimistic and only see the bad. I’ve got a friend who is obnoxiously optimistic. But then, she combats my pessimism and often helps me see what I really should. (See? It’s already rubbing off on me.) Good can be found in any situation somehow, we just need to be willing.

So take it from my critter child, Nitro.

When that stressful situation comes up, turn yourself around so you can see it at a different angle. You might be surprised at your new perspective when hanging upside down.

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