
Complainer Me

Some days, the complaints come all to easy. Actually, there are days when complaints exist solely to make one feel more miserable than they already are. I've had days like that - when for some reason, feeling miserable seems like a better option than working even harder to be positive. Why this strange phenomenon happens, I'll never know, since it really doesn't make much sense...but we all do it at some point or another.

This morning, I hit the snooze on my alarm three times before I finally dragged myself out of bed. My back hurt, my cats were being needy, I barely had enough time to shower, and I couldn't find the clothes I wanted to wear. I was downright grouchy, and I wanted nothing to do with the world. Maybe it had something to do with which side of the bed I got up on. (Although the way my bedroom is arranged, there really is only one option.)

My self-inflicted miserable mood continued on the 45-minute drive to work. I really tried not to be grumpy, though. I mean...sort of. I turned up the radio... enjoyed the sunrise in my rear view mirror... Okay, so maybe I didn't try all that hard. But that was just it. I didn't try. It was me. It wasn't my circumstances that dictated my mood - it was my decision whether or not to be miserable.

Granted, when I got to work, my body still ached, I still felt like I needed at least three hours more sleep, and the pile of work awaiting me appeared to be as large as Mount Everest...or as deep as the Grand Canyon. Take your pick. But at some point, I paused. And I really, genuinely tried to think of a legitimate reason to be grouchy. Funny thing was...I couldn't come up with anything.

Oh, there were plenty things I could complain about, but...why? Complaining and dwelling on the negative things would only feed my misery, not take it away. And while sometimes it is difficult to slap on a smile and pretend everything is great...not everything has to be great for me to be thankful for what I've got. Not everything has to be perfect for me to recognize I'm surrounded by blessings in spite of any negative circumstances.

It's not my choice to have a sore back, to be tired, to be overwhelmed by work, or to deal with any other irritations that pop up during the day. It all happens, and will happen. I won't wake up any morning without some kind of annoyance, something that's gone wrong, or even something more major that hurts my heart. But in it all...I've got a God-given joy that resists death like that ninja spider under the kitchen counter who refuses to die.

I won't always be so determined to attempt having a good day. I'm human, after all. But I do recognize the fact that it's my choice. Circumstances may not be my choice. But my attitude is. Doesn't make it easier to smile - it just makes it possible.

Have a great weekend with many reasons to smile.

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