
A Never-Ending Story

Something fun I started several years ago with a friend, was writing a blog of which she and I were both the authors. We had begun a story of sorts, from childhood, playing the roles of characters who had grand adventures. What started out as play times in our backyards developed into letters as we grew older and moved apart. Then, as we both spent more time on the computer, the letters became emails and the emails finally became our blog. Even now, as adults, we take turns, each writing the next segment(s) of our story, and each having our own set of characters to control. The grand adventure continues, and even though sometimes reality might be slightly stretched, the characters themselves are as real as they come... for they all reflect part of who she and I are.

As a writer, keeping up with that blog has been a wonderful exercise. Good character development is a must, if said character is going to continue through the story. Plot development is a must, if only to keep both my friend and I on the same page (no pun intended) as to what's happening with the story. The blog is a perfect place to practice different ways to bring in suspense, seeing if either she or I can follow the clues well enough to know what the other is planning, or if we end up completely surprised by the other's choice in turn of events. All of these things help sharpen my skills as a writer, and... I have an awful lot of fun, too.

Another thing that's great about the blog is that I never have to say goodbye to my characters. Because the story goes on, "The End" simply never happens. When I write a book, I fall in love with the characters. They take on lives of their own, and control the pages - sometimes I feel as though I'm just along for the ride. I love watching them grow, struggle, triumph and interact with each other. But in all my books, the final page always comes, and my beloved characters end up on the shelf - to be loved by others, for sure, but the end is always bittersweet for the writer.

In my friend's and my story blog, the characters live on. Oh, once in a while a character must be laid to rest, but never until we're good and ready to let go. As I write my books and see characters come and go, I always have that blog to fall back on and interact with others I love as well. At the risk of sounding corny, it's almost like a little haven where my writing imagination can not only soar to new heights, but it is a safe place where I can experiment and improve my skills without fear of public criticism.

If you're a writer who needs a creative boost, characters that never leave or new ways to experiment, try a story that never ends, whether by yourself or with a fellow writer. Don't let it be the only thing you write, but let it be that one safe place you can fall back on. It's fun, it keeps the creative juices flowing, and it can be as public or private as you want.



So far this year, I've thought about goals more than any time else. Maybe it's because we often talk about goals at my Taekwondo classes and it's sometimes the theme of the month. Or maybe it's because my goals have shifted or changed directions lately. Still, goals have always been a difficult thing for me. For without a goal, I cannot fail. Yet without a goal, I lose forward momentum.

I think that's one of the things that has held me back in my writing as of late. Oh, I've still been writing and haven't come anywhere near to ceasing - but it has been much slower. My desire has been there but motivation has not. Ideas have been there, but the will has not. Perhaps it is not a lack of inspiration as I have blamed, but rather a lack of goals.

Recently, I sent out the first query letter in a very long time. It felt good. That one small act has motivated me to finish not only the work about which I queried, but other works too. The goal of having another book published has given me a fresh outlook, new ideas and enthusiasm.

Without goals, forward momentum ceases.

For me, goals can sometimes be intimidating. Sometimes it's easier not to have goals so that I'll never face the possibility of failure. But at the same time, if I never try, I'll never know how far I could have gone. The trick is knowing which goals are attainable and which goals should wait.

My goals for the near future are to finish three of my large writing projects. That is attainable. My next goal? To see them in print. Whether it's by a traditional publisher or self-publishing, that remains to be seen. But no matter, I am confident that I will see them in print if I maintain these two simple goals. After that? Who knows? But without these goals in mind, I'd never move forward.


Rethinking, Reorganizing and Revamping

Ahh, springtime. The grey clouds of winter are quickly sailing away on the wind, taking with them the blues and blahs of cold dark nights. And in their place is a big, bright ball in the sky called the sun. Mmm... the warmth sends tingles all over just thinking about it. Springtime not only invigorates my senses, but my soul as well.

Spring brings renewal to the countryside, but often brings renewal in our lives as well. It may not be a huge renewal, but even spring cleaning is a form of taking out the old, clearing space and sometimes bringing in the new.

Along with the physical activities of cleaning and organizing, I've begun reorganizing my thoughts and goals. Assisting a friend and fellow author set up his new website and blog has brought back inspiration for my own sites - this one included. Not sure yet what I'll do or change, but I do plan on spending a little more time around here. It's always been my goal to blog more and keep up with my website more... perhaps this year I will finally accomplish that.

At the same time, it seems spring has brought with it a reignited ambition to finish some of my writing projects. I've started sending out queries to publishers about my Foundation of Novel Writing book. I've begun to finalize my anthology and have decided its publication route. I'm planning on actually finishing my devotion book. My novel? For now, it's on the back burner, but still very much on my plate.

I'm not sure what the months ahead will bring, but I'm looking forward to them. I'm also looking forward to see what new places God takes me.