
The Depth of Blessings

I view blessings differently than I used to. First, I’m more grateful, and more apt to recognize blessings after reading an article that chided those who might call the nice things in life “blessings.” Their point was that sometimes things just happen – God is still in control, but having cheaper-than-expected car repairs, or finding the perfect pet companion were things that simply will or won’t happen in the world, and labeling them as blessings would make others (who didn’t get the cheap repairs, or whose dog just died) feel of lesser value to God. I understand what the writer was saying, but I can’t and won’t stop giving God the credit, even for the little things. Maybe it’s just something He allowed life to give me, but even so, He could have prevented it, and who else am I going to thank? I gained a new sense of necessity to remember to thank God, and often, for the things which I have, whether they’re material possessions or things of eternal consequence.

Second, I have discovered that blessings only make me feel less at home here. This is not to be misunderstood as ungratefulness. On the contrary, I have experienced such blessings in my life that I long, even more, to know and see the Giver of those blessings. Being blessed by anything from material possessions, to health, to family and friends, to financial means have nothing to do with resting securely on this earth. They have nothing to do with finding pleasure in the “stuff” of this world. Why would God want His children to be more satisfied here when there is something so much greater waiting for us after this life is over?

I think the more accurate perspective would be that first, God enjoys bringing pleasure to His children. While He will often allow man to follow a path not of His will, and He certainly does many things we do not understand, I believe He finds enjoyment in our smiles. I only say this because we were ultimately made in His image, and as a father enjoys seeing his children happy, I can only conclude that God enjoys loving on His children as well. The other side of the coin is that God also wants us to know Him more. Better. Deeper. I may experience trials. I may experience being broke and sick, and forced to live on the street – but the greatest blessings have nothing to do with my physical needs – they have to do with my spiritual needs. God blesses us with physical contentment not so we can live a life of luxury, but so we can remember to thank Him and realize He’s still in control, and, ultimately, so we will long to be with Him forever.

I won’t stop giving God the credit for even the smallest things. I don’t care if life would have dealt me those same cards anyway. And I also won’t allow the blessings to compromise my perspective by making me too comfortable here on earth. If my neighbor has more than I, it is no reason to feel less valued by God – it’s just another opportunity to thank Him for what I do have, and to thank Him for what’s to come: something better.

No matter the blessing, life here is temporary. The “stuff” of this world will pass away eventually. Nothing lasts – not even the material things God has allowed me to have. Nothing but God and our salvation in Him is forever.

So I will be grateful. But more so for the fact that God loves me than for the fact that I have a level of physical or emotional comfort. 

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