
New Project

A new book is in the works. Very different from my previous novels, it's turning out to be quite an adventure... and a bit of a scary one too.

With one chapter written, the book remains without a title. But it is not without purpose. Contrary to my other books, this one will be an allegorical fantasy. There will be a princess in distress. An arrogant king. A sword that cuts to the quick but not the flesh. A noble prince. A dangerous dragon. Unicorns. Fairies. And above all, The Source - the One who made all and is all.

The underlying theme I hope to convey is an ultimate trust in God, and the consequence of being "lukewarm." My choice of not setting things within the realm of reality is to simply enable my imagination to be stretched, and to challenge myself, as a writer, to convey the principles I desire without necessarily being as black and white as my other books have been.

Will I see this project to completion? I hope so. I don't know how long this burst of inspiration will last, but I must pursue it while I can. Updates to come.

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