
It's November

I should write more often. I say that over and over, and my desire is to have more frequent updates about my end of the world. Until I accomplish that, I will share once again.

Discovering the Dawn is now available! That is my biggest most recent accomplishment. It turned out beautifully and I’m thrilled to now be promoting it. After my recent mailing to announce the release, I’m expecting a fair response.

I’m also beginning a partnership in starting a self-publishing company. This is quite the venture but a very exciting one.

My home life has been an adventure of its own as of late. Working, taking care of grandparents as Grandpa has been in the hospital, and trying to keep up at home has been a weight of stress. But, the Lord is seeing me through. My time spent writing has slowed down, but as a friend pointed out, it has not been stolen.

Being a part of the Southwest Iowa Writers Guild has been a pleasure. Involving myself with other writers is a blessing, and I love our monthly meetings.

Next up is work on my next novel, finishing my devotion book and developing my guide for novel writing into something that can be adequately shared with other writers.

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