
On the Other Hand...

Back in May of this year, I blogged my thoughts about writing emotional things, even if one is afraid the words won't do justice. Often times, great pieces are born, giving the reader a glimpse into the writer's own emotions. On the other hand, sometimes it's okay not to attempt the inevitable pit of muddled thoughts, which emotions have the ability to create. There are times when words of mouth or pen cannot adequately express the thoughts of one's heart.

And that's okay.

While I would encourage anyone to write what they feel, sometimes it just cannot do justice. And if trying to write feelings becomes more of a frustration than a release, it should probably be set aside.

As humans, we are granted the blessing of emotions. Sometimes they can seem like a curse. But generally speaking, feeling things is what we do best. Emotions can drive us forward. They can scare us away. They can inspire us. Bring us to tears. Make us laugh. And they can also lie to us. We are all walking bundles of rampant emotions, held together under a thin shell of skin. Sometimes these feelings explode under the pen and our words can portray the beauty of what we are experiencing on the inside. And sometimes, what goes on in our hearts simply cannot be put into any words of any language. It's a language only God understands. It's a language only the bearer can interpret - and at times, even one's own interpreting can be a daunting task.

Being a writer, when I feel strong emotions, I want to express them on paper. I want to share them. I want others to see what I see and feel what I feel through my written words. But there are days when I must sit back to privately cherish and ponder my emotions without marring them by trying to explain them.

So on one hand, I'd say yes! By all means! Write what you feel! Let it out and let others envelop themselves in your interpretations. And on the other hand, I'd say allow your emotions to dwell only within your heart. For some emotions are meant for you and you alone.

There are days I must write, in order to keep my emotions from bubbling over and causing chaos. And there are days when I must refrain from being a writer, lest I lose the treasure of what I hold inside.