I can't tell you how many times people come up to me and ask, "So, are you working on a new book?" Or, "Got any new books in the works?" Or simply, "Doing any writing lately?"
My answer? Of course! I don't call myself a writer because I sit and twiddle my thumbs. I've even come to combat that issue with a t-shirt. (Found here) "Yes, I AM working on another book." The theory of this is really quite simple. Although I have to admit - it's taken me a long time to realize it.
You see, for so long, I thought "working" on a book or any other piece required me to actually sit in front of my keyboard and type (or take my pad and write by hand). If I hadn't done either of those for a while, I actually felt guilty when responding "yes" to people's questions as to whether or not I was working on something. I'd stammer with something like, "Well, I haven't done any writing lately, but I do have several books in the wings waiting..." Seriously? I can't believe I fell for the lie that just because I wasn't toiling over my computer it meant I wasn't working on a project.
Only recently did I begin to see the error in that line of thinking. I was making myself feel guilty for not having pencil in hand 24/7. In reality though, I AM working on a book 24/7... or at least close to it.
When not resting my fingers on a keyboard, plots run through my mind. Phrases. Scenes. Characters. Action. Romance. Quotes. It's almost a constant with me. Not a day goes by that somewhere in my mind I'm not hatching new plots or developing characters. This is "working" on my books too.
When ignoring my pencil and paper, I'm giving my brain and creativity a break. Rests are good for the body - why not the mind? When an athlete rests after a five-mile run do they tell people, "No, I'm not running anymore," just because they're not running that very moment? Of course not! Yes, they're still running - they're just taking a breather so their body can recover. It's the same with a writer's mind. Breaks in between actual writing is indeed "working," because those breaks are a necessary part of supporting creativity.
Am I working on a new book? You betcha! I've got more than one going, actually. Does that mean I have to be working on it this very instant? Not at all. Should I allow myself to ignore my writing projects and let the dust pile on top of them just because I like my "break." Obviously, that's not good. But as long as I'm working on my projects in one way or another and still striving to reach the goal of "the end," yes, I AM writing. Yes, I AM working on a new book.