
Topsy-Turvy Season

It's been a while since I've blogged. Less than a week after my last entry, my grandfather unexpectedly passed away. That was August 25th. Since then, life has taken many turns and had many ups and downs. I've had very little time to dive into my writing, and even less time to spend simply "being." Since my grandfather's passing, my mother and I successfully moved my grandmother into a care center, cleaned out their house completely and sold it (all that in less than two month's time). I thought settling back into a routine would be easy. I was wrong. There is always more.

This holiday season has not been an easy one, due to a plethora of reasons. But my one steadfast hope is that God is in all of the stress, craziness and strife, and He knows how to handle it much better than I do.

During December, I took a deep breath and have made an effort to write. I've been able to write a few short pieces and at least collect a few thoughts in one way or another. I put together a blog for my writer's guild and right now I'm in the process of updating my own webstore where my books and some other new items are going to be sold. Once that's updated I will post again with a link in case anyone is interested.

In the meantime, I hope you and yours are having a blessed holiday season.