
My Newest Book

I'm pleased to say that I hold a printed copy of my new anthology: Smatterings of an Analytical Loner. A collection of 76 pieces, it holds short stories, devotionals, poems and more. Though put together mainly for family and friends, I hope that others will enjoy it as well.

The self-publishing experience has been a good one. I very much enjoyed putting everything together, from creating my own cover from scratch, to formatting the inside pages and preparing them for printing. I have learned a lot and am looking forward to whichever book I finish next that I may self-publish as well.

My collection will be officially "released" soon, as I am still preparing my own website and other announcements. When the book is actually available, I will post again with the information on how to order.


I am a Writer

During the last month or so, my actual writing has taken somewhat of a backseat. Even so, writing is almost always on the forefront of my mind. Plots are constantly running through my head and quite often I'll be jotting down quick notes about scenes when I really should be doing something else. All in all, whether my fingers are hovering over a keyboard or not, I've resigned myself to the fact that God has made me a writer. I'm still not sure why exactly or what He's got in mind for the future, but a writer I am.

Coming to this conclusion actually wasn't easy. Perhaps it was fear of where it might lead. Perhaps it was a lack of confidence in wanting to proclaim what I thought I was. But no matter the reason, saying aloud (or typing it to the world) hasn't come easy. Sometimes I still have a hard time admitting it. Being what God wants me to be can be scary. I can always take comfort in knowing that He will guide me through anything. By all means! But I am still human, and sometimes I do falter.

The world of writing has already taken me on a grand adventure. It has taught me to use a gift God gave me. It has taught me to get out of my box and deal with people outside my normal circle. It has taught me about finances and bookkeeping. It has taught me I can take pride in my work. It has taught me humility.

There are days I stare at the sky and shout my questions to God. Where is He leading? What's the point of my writing? Of what use are the things I write? What does He want from me? And in the end, I usually hear a still, small voice, reminding me that all I have to do is follow Him. He has told me to write. For what purpose, I don't know. For what end, I haven't a clue. But I know I am to write. And so write, I must.

I am a writer. I'm working towards more published works and finding new ways to touch people through my writings. But my ultimate goal? To simply be who God wants me to be. He is giving me the inspiration I need, every step of the way. To deny myself this journey is to deny myself God's will.

Who are you? Where is God leading you? Are you listening? Following?